hey bb / hey bb hey / naked in the morning dark. Quaking bodies / obsessive wills / the strength and innovation of the proposed exhibition / no soul 4 sale/
IN-SPI-RAY SHUN-SHUN APP-LI-KAY SHUN-SHUN is a text work and accompanying performance which weaves the language of open-call exhibition guidelines together with song lyrics and the artist's own writing, as well as quotations from the history of exhibition making and the legacies of artist's efforts to self-organise.
describe how you envision the work will be installed in the space / for example / zero visibility / large scale paintings occupying the / south wall / everywhere is hot/
Originally presented as part of the inaugural Hobiennale, a festival which brought together artist-run initiatives from across Australia & New Zealand for a series of exhibitions, talks and performances in 2017.
Download a copy of the text here.